Computer Science

Fourth Term
Nicolas Alba sarmiento
Technology and envimorent
The electrics cars don´t save the environment.
Resultado de imagen para autos electricos contaminan
The electrics cars don´t save the environment, according The Verge. This go down a lot of small change in the contamination in the world. A one study see the 20% of Carbon dioxide, sulfur and nitrogen oxides become of cars in all the world. and this are the reasons of the electrics cars don´t change the contamination.

The electrics car is made by electrics plants and this contamination the earth  and this is not the idea. We can search other the ideas for the contamination of the world go better, and the persons of the future can live in  best word. And is good the idea of cars electric because all the people search have a car.

I propose the article can be more largest because is a lot of small, and the topic have  a lot of information to work. And other idea you can add a ideas of people can use for save the contamination in all the world, and see the country are Sponsoring. You can see the Disadvantages for have electric car and the advantage.    


Infography (Clic Here)

Video of Protype(Clic Here)

Video of Potozoos(Clic Here)

Digital Video - Mind Map Mapa Mental creado con GoConqr por Nicolas Alba Sarmiento
Synthesis: Click here
master document : Click here

Opinion Article

Resultado de imagen para carta fifa 17 cr7

The friday (2 september) fifa give the 50 best player for this year. Is wait for much  advertising for the  buyer buy fifa 17. Fifa 17 is  avialble of xbox one xbox 360 play 3 play 4.The new mode of game is the Journey. In this mode you manage a young person.Alex  Hunter he is england the mission is cover the start of premir league. Cristiano Ronaldo cover the start the best player of fifa 17 . he take the reign of  Messi, for 7 years Messi had the reign. James Rodriguez he state 45 in the top 50 of fifa 17. The top can change in the year.

Camilo Martinez  you have a good article but shortage information of Cristiano Ronaldo because he convert the best player of fifa 17, and Messi not ¿why?.Other you talk about the Journey and you only 2 thing about but the Journey have morethings for talk. James is not important inthis notice because you talk about the best player and Jmes state in 45 in the top, And is good you say the top can change because semeone people think the this list is for old the year. You can do comparite  of the card of Messi and Cristiano example: because Cristiano have more shoot than Messi? Because Cristiano .......

Camilo Matinez you can explain of  the cart`s of the top ten because you paste here and you don`t talk about nonthing for this player`s. And you can explain the new`s mode of game of fifa 17 (fut champions, the new`s mode dor play in manager, ultiate team) Because demo is throw late a comparation pes 17. And not talk about much of colombian`s becuase,  we not have a good presetation in top 50. Expalin more the images are  paste in the text and the list because, the reader  problably don`t undestarnd. Tis my recomendations for Camilo Martinez for your  next texts      

The strategy of play pokemon go
Resultado de imagen para pokemon go
The key of pokemon go is stay all the moment in movement because in different  place have different`s  pokemons and pokeparadas. The pokemon´s is capture with your walk and you ission is throw pokepolas or in different ocations the pokemon be lively, for this case exist ballas and pokebolas the better level. this still for  calm the Pokemon and catch. The fight is moved the Pokemon for avoid the attack and attack. Then the fight you give a award is 1 pokeparada extra and yor name and pokemon is exposed for the other player´s.

The notice is good because is complete deal all the method for the game, expalin the game in the future. Carlos David cuello and first talk with the impact of pokemon go in the world, where persons play etc... You talk about the site where is crate pokemon go and the creater´s.

You can see the best pokemon in the game and stations importants for the game  things for is easy to learn for the game, example the form to catch pokemon when a one pokemon appear and the Pokeparadas the gym who conquer and the reward and you dont talk about for the national and the opinion for the other player´s and s trick for have pokemon´s betteer and have pokemon,s in more time. You can talk about the tool have pokemon in the game and wich is good and the bad tool.

4 comentarios:

  1. Reviewed by:
    Pages (Math, Spanish, Social Studies, English, Computer Science):
    Title of the Second Experience (Digital Video/Image/Audio Manual) and Title of the Third Experience (Opinion Article #1):
    Infographic / Mind Map (good style, order, organized, the information is clear, specific, pictures, colors, English): you have all the pages. COMPLETE
    Master document and Synthesis Links:COMPLETE
    Master Document (Cover page, good style, order, organized, the information is clear, specific):I like your organization is very well and you answer all the questions.
    Synthesis Document (Cover page, good style, order, organized, the information is clear, specific, synthesis, English): You have a bit ortographic mistakes, but the infomation was ok. MISTAKES
    Opinion Article (Title, summary, opinions, suggestions, image, source, good style, English level):You have all the paragraphs and a good spelling. COMPlETE

  2. Blog review

    Some possible answers
    Complete Pages
    Unclear Opinion article
    Wrong in Spelling
    Grammar error
    The presentation can be better
    It doesn’t open Sinthesis document – The link is Ok master document

    Reviewed by: Alejandra Bogoya
    Class: 7A
    Pages (Math, Spanish, Social Studies, English, Computer Science): Ok Spelling:X
    Title of the Second Experience (Digital Video/Image/Audio Manual) and Title of the Third Experience (Opinion Article #1):X
    Infographic / Mind Map (good style, order, organized, the information is clear, specific, pictures, colors, English):X
    Master document and Synthesis Links:X
    Master Document (Cover page, good style, order, organized, the information is clear, specific):Ok
    Synthesis Document (Cover page, good style, order, organized, the information is clear, specific, synthesis, English):X
    Opinion Article (Title, summary, opinions, suggestions, image, source, good style, English level):X

    General observations and suggestions (What was the better and the worst for you. Blog Style. Really could you learn something with the blog?): Could be better.
    Co-evaluation (Grade): 2 good job

  3. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  4. el nivel de ingles en los artículos es bajo pero todo esta y muy bonito pero el mapa mental esta mal ubicado de rafael eduardo torregroza vidal
